Hotel room management

The most important aspect in the work of any hotel is the organization and management of hotel property and hotel rooms. According to the research data of the effective work of a hotel business from 50% to 75% of income comes from sale of hotel rooms and the sound hotel rooms management should generate about 80% net revenues.

As a rule, the main units that work with the hotel rooms are the receptionist service, booking service and hotel maids who are responsible for order and cleanliness in the rooms.

The work of these units is of great importance and proper management of the hotel rooms helps to avoid unpleasant situations.

The reception and registration of the guests based on the laws of the country where the point of accommodation is situated, the control of the guests’ payment capacity and the conditions of a hotel rooms are only a part of duties the staff should fulfill. It is clear that to cope with these tasks when a hotel is full of guests can be difficult, so there is lapse in control because of the human factor. In this case the management of hotel rooms is facing the problems of overbooking or rooms available for sale. There are also a lot of problems that can influence the hotel reputation when guests want to change a hotel room or prolong the rent.

There are different ways to improve hotel room management. Nowadays, not to impair the work of a hotel, more often modern points of accommodation use automation process with special programs such as hotel room manager system to optimize the temporary costs, to relieve the staff of the grunt work.

Due to modern room ms any hotel or private apartmentsfor renting do not worry about unpleasant situations and have effective hotel property management,servicing their guests.

With the help of professional hotel property management system, developed by OtelMS Company, you will maximize the results of the work at a hotel, hotel chain or a number of apartments. The automation of your business with the help of our online room management system and the methods of maximum occupation of a hotel will provide work without incidents in:

  • receptionist service;
  • booking hotel rooms avoiding overbooking;
  • online control and hotel room management;
  • hotel tariff management;
  • build a reliable room system;
  • development of accountability and saving the necessary histories of the clients.

OtelMS room system for hotel will help to have at your fingertips the information about hotel rooms that will be controlled and regularly updated automatically. With our professional hotel rooms system the situation to have maximum occupied hotel without any unpredictable conflicts becomes reality.